Martha Zoller's Substack
The Martha Zoller Show
Chris Cuomo and Israel

Chris Cuomo and Israel

A Great Discussion of the Complexities and Mistakes the Biden Administration is Making

The war with Israel and Hamas is complicated. One thing that shouldn’t be is releasing the hostages. It should be the thing that is not compromised and must happen first. What do you think?

NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo gets it and is willing to say the things that have to be said.

Martha Zoller's Substack
The Martha Zoller Show
Martha Zoller is a well known political analyst with specialty in Georgia Politics. She has a Masters in American Politics and researches women's electoral success. She talks to the movers and shakers around the corner and around the world. With Georgia being the center of the political universe in 2022 as well as the foreseeable future, you need to know what Martha Zoller knows.